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16长安大学学报(社会科学版) 2007年
CHEN Ai-xia,LIU Shan,GUAN Wei-sheng.Analysis on the environmental benefit of urban rail transit construction in Xian[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2007,9(01):24.
ZHANG Sheng-zhong,WU Qun-qi.Logistics service quality and its quantitative analysis[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2007,9(01):23.
WU Qun-qi,YANG Xia,WANG Zhong.Forecast for transportation demand from analysis of transportation demand & supply quality[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2007,9(01):16.
LI Dong,WANG Hong-li,LI Sheng-peng.Comprehensive Evaluation for Municipal Traffic Projects[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2006,8(01):43.
HUI Yu-rong.Management strategies for customer relationship of the third party logistics enterprise[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2006,8(01):5.
ZHANG Qian,PAN Jian-ping.Platform of public logistic information in Xiamen[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2006,8(01):10.
YANG Xin-zheng,CHEN Jian-hua,WANG Zhen-hua.Infrastructure construction and operation model for Chinas freight transport[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2006,8(01):15.
HE Zhu-qing,SUN Lin-yan.Review of intermodal transport research[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2006,8(01):32.
LIU Li-guo,CHENG Ji-xia.Relationship of auto possessive quantity to national GDP
and related industries[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2005,7(01):35.
ZHOU Guo-guang.Theoretical analysis on speeding up the highway construction with non stated-owned capital[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2007,9(01):1.
SHI Qiong,WU Qun-qi.Impact analyses of government car reform on private car possession and uses[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2007,9(01):17.
ZHOU Wei.Development strategy and policy choices of sustainable transportation in China in the new period[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2007,9(01):1.
XU Hai-cheng,LI Jian,YANG Yan.Relationship between highway transportation and economic development in China[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2007,9(01):8.
WU Qun-qi,XU Xing.Mechanism research on travelling choices of passengers[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2007,9(01):14.
CAI Yu-he.Port transportation development in Heilongjiang Province[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2007,9(01):17.
LI Li,FAN Wen-bin,ZENG Bo.Countermeasures for oversizing and overloading transportation from viewpoint of relative benefit factors[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2007,9(01):13.
ZOU Hai-bo,WU Qun-qi.Principle analysis on coordinate development of road transportation supply system[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2007,9(01):18.
WU Qun-qi,ZHANG Sheng-zhong.Quality Characteristics of Transportation Supply[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2006,8(01):1.
MA Yin-bo.Market Structure Optimization of China's Road Freight Transportion and Strategy[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2006,8(01):10.