|本期目录/Table of Contents|

 ZHAO Hongjun,ZHANG Tao,XIAO Lingbo.Climate shock, overseas silver inflow and social revolt——empirical evidences from the North China Plain in the Qing dynasty[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2018,20(05):72-86.





Climate shock, overseas silver inflow and social revolt——empirical evidences from the North China Plain in the Qing dynasty
1. 上海师范大学 商学院,上海200234;2. 上海对外经贸大学 国际经贸学院,上海201620; 3.中国人民大学 清史研究所,北京100872
ZHAO Hongjun1ZHANG Tao2XIAO Lingbo3
1.School of Finance and Business, Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234,China;2.School of Business,Shanghai University of International Business and Economics,Shanghai 201620,China; 3.The Institute of Qing History,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China
Qing dynasty north China plain climate shock overseas silver inflow food price social revolt
To study whether climate shock and oversea silver inflow are important reasons leading to upheaval and fall of economics in traditional agricultural society in recent centuries, this paper used historical methodology to make analysis on climate shock in North China Plain, overseas silver inflow and social turbulence. Study shows that inflow of overseas silver had doublesided effects on economy and society in Qing dynasty: on the one hand, the stock and flow of foreign silver had positive effect as in stabilizing the society by enhancing market and commercialized level; on the other hand, the inflow of foreign silver caused upheaval in silvercopper exchange rate, which had negative effect on social stability. The impact of climate shock on social stability was not validated by our data, which indicates that economic, or financial factors might be more important than climate factor in the falling of Qing dynasty. This conclusion is helpful in providing the econometric proof to the mechanism in studying the fall of Qing dynasty under impact of climate and oversea silver inflow.


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