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Labor education in colleges and universities in the new era promotes the construction of the road to common prosperity(PDF)


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Labor education in colleges and universities in the new era promotes the construction of the road to common prosperity
GUO Yunzhu WANG Jingcheng
(School of Marxism, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China)
common prosperity labor education higher education common labor ideological and political education labor skill value concept
Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. How to allow everyone to have the opportunity to achieve personal development through hard work, and then to inspire the people to achieve common prosperity through hard work has significant implications of the times. Focusing on the logical thinking of “why we can do it”, “why we should it” and “how to do it”, this paper summarizes the theoretical basis for the promotion of common prosperity by labor education in colleges and universities, and studies the construction of the path of labor education in colleges and universities promoting common prosperity, after clarifying the logical fit between labor education in colleges and universities and common prosperity, and analyzing the essence in labor education in colleges and universities promoting common prosperity, in close combination with the actual practice of labor education in colleges and universities. The study believes that comprehensively improving the labor literacy of college students in terms of labor skills, labor cognition, and labor concepts requires close integration with new concepts, new media, and new forms, focusing on subject integration, consolidation of research results, and summaries and improvement. It is necessary to integrate ideological and political theory courses, organically combine course ideology and politics, and carry out the construction of the whole curriculum system of excellent labor education courses, and plan the “cognitive improvement” system of labor education in colleges and universities. It is also necessary to jointly form an all-round and whole-process system of labor skills education through daily labor education, practical labor education, employment labor education, etc., and provide a solid boost to promote the common prosperity of all people.


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Last Update: 2023-05-20