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Contemporary innovations of the Marxist thought on common prosperity(PDF)


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Contemporary innovations of the Marxist thought on common prosperity
GAO Nannan
(Research Center of Scientific Outlook on Development, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, Anhui, China)
Marxism common prosperity distribution sharing high-quality development Chinese path to modernization
At present, common prosperity has entered a new development stage, and this stage requires us to have a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of the essence of common prosperity. Through the review of the development process of the Marxist thought on common prosperity, we can clarify the background context, evolution and innovation of the Marxist thought on common prosperity, so as to enrich and develop the concept and inspire and guide the formulation of practical policies. This study argues that the theoretical source of the thought on common prosperity is a natural design by Marx and Engels on the basis of historical materialism for the realization of “prosperity for all” in the future society. The essence of Marx and Engels' thought on common prosperity is the sharing of social wealth. Its starting point is social fairness and justice, its premise the continuous improvement of productivity, its guarantee the public ownership of the means of production, and its goal to achieve the all-round development of people. The Communist Party of China has inherited and developed the thought on common prosperity by Marx and Engels, and made innovations to the theory, mainly reflected in the following aspects. The CPC put forward the concept of common prosperity in accordance with the due meaning of socialism, explained the connotation and characteristics of common prosperity dialectically based on the actual national conditions, and highlighted the characteristic of sharing in the process of constantly promoting common prosperity. The practical application of this concept in China presents the unity of universal prosperity and moderate gap, the unity of jointly creating wealth and sharing wealth, as well as the unity of long-term planning and step-by-step implementation.


[1] 中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标的建议[M].北京:人民出版社,2020.


Last Update: 2023-05-20