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Historical experience, realistic constraints and strategic choices in China's participation in global value chain governance(PDF)


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Historical experience, realistic constraints and strategic choices in China's participation in global value chain governance
LI Qing HAN Yonghui ZHANG Shuangyu
(Guangdong Institute for International Studies, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,Guangzhou 510420, Guangdong, China)
global value chain industrial structure Chinese solution industrial competition full industry chain industrial strategy
With the accelerated reconstruction of global value chain, countries have introduced competitive industrial policies to promote the upgrading of industrial chains and the ascension of value chains. As an emerging economy and the largest developing country, China has the historical experience of catching up with economic giants while maintaining free trade and multilateralism. However, the deepened development of globalization in the new era has given rise to unprecedented realistic constraints, which require urgent solutions. Based on China's historical practice of participating in global value chains, this paper analyzes the constraint features of the current governance environment and proposes strategic choices through textual and comparative analysis. The research argues that China can deeply integrate itself into global value chains by directly participating in the industrial modernization process, promoting the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure, specializing in specific links of global value chains, and benchmarking against the division of labor system of global value chains. However, four realistic constraints, e.g. high technological barriers in global value chains, shrinking vertical division of labor and increasing horizontal competition, imbalance in the coordination mechanism, and lack of governance consensus, have hindered China's participation in the process of global value chain governance. The research concludes that China urgently needs to strengthen international governance of science and technology innovation, focus on the governance of key industries in the value chain, coordinate balanced governance at home and abroad, and deepen synergistic governance in regional cooperation.


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Last Update: 2023-05-20