[1]陈春生.投资基金业的区域协调与西部基金业的发展[J].长安大学学报(社科版),2001,3(02):29-32. CHEN Chun-sheng.Regional Coordination of Investment Fund and the Development of Fund Industry in the Western Parts[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2001,3(02):29-32.
The unbalanced development of investment fund between China 's Eastern and Western
regions enhances the Ma-Thai effect and widens the discripancy of the two regions.Developing
the Western investment fund is not only an important measure to update the overall level of the
Western financial industry and carry out the futher opening up of the West but is a principle
aspectin China 's overall developmentin the field.The general development strategy of investment
fund industry between the two regions should be: precedence of the east and inclination to the