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Research on the all-media communication system in China's ecological stories(PDF)


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Research on the all-media communication system in China's ecological stories
SU Lei GUO Wenyuan
(School of Humanities, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China)
all-media communication system mainstream public opinion Chinese ecological story Yunnan elephant moving north
In order to give full play to the advantages of the construction of the all-media communication system, innovate the way of telling Chinese stories, and convey the ecological concept of harmonious coexistence between Chinese people and the nature, this paper selects the phenomenal and symbolic case of the northward migration of Yunnan elephants as the dissemination case of eco-story to research the connotation and dissemination law of the all-media communication system, based on the collected Chinese and foreign media news discourse and the research methods of content analysis and discourse analysis. The research shows that the all-media communication system includes the whole process, holographic, all-staff, and full-effect media views. The case of the northward migration of Yunnan elephants successfully spreads to the world the ecological image of Chinese people living in harmony with nature, which is precisely the advantage of the all-media communication system, becoming a typical case of application and interpretation of the all-media communication system. The all-media communication system has positive guiding significance and advantages in telling Chinese stories well. It constructs a communication image in a live broadcast and all-round way, deepens and optimizes media memory through the creation of data discourse power and multi-modal communication, and leverages the ability to construct media content in traditional media, government media at all levels, self-media and the public, and builds a new type of communication system with higher efficiency internally and externally, online and offline.


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Last Update: 2023-09-01