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Empirical study on the ideological and political construction of postgraduate courses in the context of Emerging Engineering Education(PDF)


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Empirical study on the ideological and political construction of postgraduate courses in the context of Emerging Engineering Education
ZHU Qiuchen BAI Hua
(School of Architecture, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China)
Emerging Engineering Education postgraduate education ideology and politics of courses landscape architecture planning and design of transportation landscape ideology and politics education resource
The Emerging Engineering Education has introduced a new perspective for the reform of China's higher engineering education, and integrating ideological and political education into the postgraduate curriculum is a key way to achieve "complete and comprehensive education for all". In the context of Emerging Engineering Education, taking the ideological and political construction of the course of Planning and Design of Traffic Landscape as an example, with the help of CiteSpace scientific metrology visualization software, this paper analyzes the existing academic achievements in the form of visual atlas, and explores the hot spots in the ideological and political research of the postgraduate curriculum. From the aspects of the ideological and political education objectives, mapping matrix of ideological and political training objectives, in-depth discovery of ideological and political elements, integration of ideological and political education resources into knowledge, this paper puts forward thoughts on the ideological and political construction of the postgraduate course of Planning and Design of Traffic Landscape in the context of Emerging Engineering Education. The research shows that the course of Planning and Design of Traffic Landscape has strong interdisciplinary characteristics. Thus it is advised to combine the knowledge points with the ideological and political training objectives of the 10 dimensions of socialist core values, awareness of the rule of law, patriotism, social responsibility, craftsman spirit, humanistic feelings, consciousness of innovation, scientific literacy, responsibility of the times and cultural self-confidence; adhere to the principle of "cultivation of integrity as core and moral education as priority"; strengthen the linkage between courses and the internal structures of courses; explore and solve the scientific problems in the current field from the knowledge points and teaching contents of courses, as well as their impact on social development and the significance of solving these problems. Teachers should naturally integrate the ideological and political contents of courses into their teaching, and achieve the threefold teaching objective for postgraduate students in terms of value shaping, ability training and knowledge teaching.


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Last Update: 2022-03-01