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Explanation factors analysis of income inequality between urban and rural China under open economic conditions (PDF)


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Explanation factors analysis of income inequality between urban and rural China under open economic conditions
GAO Zhan-jun12 YU Wen-xiang2 DU Han- fang3
1. School of Management, Xian Jiaotong University, Xian 710049, China; 2. School of Economics and Trade, Northwest University of Political Science and Law, Xian 710063, China; 3. 11th Institute, Chinere 1st Aerospace& Science and Technology Group, Xia
national economy open economiesincome inequality between urban and rural areas explanation factors correlation
Based on the two contending hypothesis about the impact of FDI and trade on income distribution in the host less-developed countries under the open economic conditions, this paper reviews some investigations about income inequality of foreign and Chinese scholars and articulates the variables which can give explanation to distribution inequality between urban and rural areas in China. The study shows that the statistically significant correlation between FDI, trade or the level of economic development and the income inequality can not be obtained in China, the empirical evidence suggests that the economic role of government, the significance of the agriculture sector, the growth rate of population, to a smaller degree, and human capital are crucial determinants of income inequality between urban and rural areas in China.


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Last Update: 2005-09-20