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Several issues on cultural self-confidence(PDF)


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Several issues on cultural self-confidence
XU Men-you
 School of Marxism, Northwest University, Xi’an 710127, Shaanxi, China
 cultural self-confidence cultural power network culture traditional culture revolutionary culture foreign culture
 Cultural self-confidence, as an important part of the socialist cultural power, has great significance on the persistence and development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This paper discussed the deep connotation of cultural self-confidence and the basic ways to enhance culture. The results show that the Communist Party of China always represents the interests of the people including cultural interests, and the advanced nature of the Communist Party of China requires cultural self-confidence because the development of culture is the foundation of socialism with Chinese characteristics; the deepening of the understanding on the development law of the characteristic socialism of the Communist Party of China requires cultural self-confidence; the stance of the Communist Party on the persistence development of the socialist advanced culture also requires cultural self-confidence. The extensive and profound traditional culture of the Chinese nation is the foundation of cultural self-confidence; the excellent revolutionary traditional culture and socialist advanced culture of the Communist Party of China are the fundamental of cultural self-confidence; the socialist core values and the theoretical innovation capability of the Communist Party of China become the fundamental value to gather the people of all nationalities in the contemporary era. We should strengthen cultural self-confidence, actively inherit and carry forward the traditional Chinese culture, strengthen the role of Marxism guiding ideology; we should cherish and carry forward the revolutionary culture that the Chinese Communist Party leads the masses of the people to create, take positive attitude towards foreign culture, actively participate in world culture dialogue and exchange, digest and reconstruct foreign culture after the dialectical choices, uphold the principle of keeping our own culture as the base and making use of that of others to serve the production and life of Chinese people, and scientifically grasp the development trend of Chinese culture and the favorable opportunity for cultural development to promote the construction of cultural power; we should focus on the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and constantly promote the creation of culture in the great creation of the people; we should make full use of the new achievements of scientific and technological revolution, accelerate the independent innovation of network information technology and build a network culture power.


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Last Update: 2017-05-23