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A brief view on “Emperor Book” in Yiwenzhi of Hanshu and its significance of culture and ideology(PDF)


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A brief view on “Emperor Book” in Yiwenzhi of Hanshu and its significance of culture and ideology
Xia Shaoxi
Institute of Chinese ideology and culture, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069, Shaanxi, China
Emperor book legend of the yellow emperor practical technology technical civilization consanguinity patriarchal clan the Taoist
Based on close relationship of “Six Strategies” showed by “Emperor Book” in Yiwenzhi of Hanshu knowledge system, the related content of “Emperor Book” in Yiwenzhi of Hanshu was carried out a statistical analysis. Besides, nature and characteristics of “Emperor Book” was studied. The results show that “Emperor Book” in Yiwenzhi of Hanshu totally has 34 kinds, 656 articles (volume) and 6 volume figures, which widely distributes in “philosophers strategy”, “military strategy” and “medical strategy”. It is a kind of book carrier to develop ideas and disseminate knowledge skills on the basis of emperor legend. It is a kind of writing form relied on by many schools and technical categories, and they use emperor’s stories or legends to elaborate a certain point of view and inherit some skills. And it is closely related to daily life and production practice of ancients with an emphasis on professional knowledge of practical technology; Chinese ancients introduce tradition of technological civilization to concepts of patriarchal lineage to seek roots for a variety of practical technology and trace back to a king as the origin of thoughts or skills. “Emperor Book” takes form of the emperor’s creation of theory, which reflects close relationship of patriarchal clan system between development of Chinese civilization and special development path of ancient society. Chinese traditional technical knowledge lays emphasis on words and deeds, as well as comprehension to inherit, it relatively lacks of construction of propositional knowledge theory. Compared with modern scientific and technological knowledge, there is a big difference which needs us to systematically further understand characteristics of Chinese traditional technology in multiple directions.


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Last Update: 2017-05-23