Two recently discovered epitaphs about Daming Palace
—concurrently study on the literature, royal marriage and
promotion system of officials in Tang Dynasty(PDF)
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Two recently discovered epitaphs about Daming Palace
—concurrently study on the literature, royal marriage and
promotion system of officials in Tang Dynasty
Based on two recently discovered epitaphs about Daming Palace collected in Datang West Market Museum, literature and the royal marriage and promotion system of officials in the Tang Dynasty were analyzed. The analysis indicates that in the first epitaph, “Epitaph and Forwords of Yong Guan Ying Tian Pan Guan Zuo Xiao Wei Bing Cao Canjun CUI and His Wife ZHAO Jun Lee died in Tang Dyn-asty”, the Lord CUI Cheng-wu was not appraised by his literati family pride but by his literary level, which was proved by the formation of Yongzhou literatry circle with LIU Zong-yuan, WU Wu-ling. The second epitaph “ Epitaph and Forwords of Prince Xi Ma Yang Fujun Lord Baoying County Longxi Lady Died in Tang Dynasty ” was for a head of Baoying County. It records TANG Wen-zong's demand on any royal females to select husbands in the eighteen families, “choosing famous families”, in imperial edict. Epitaph also records morning meeting on the first day of the year, specific circumstances for kinsman of the emperor in Daming Palace to meet the emperor, and provides material for the emperor's reward of officers(military), which is of great value.