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Reconstruction for cultural identity of literature and art(PDF)


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Reconstruction for cultural identity of literature and art
WEI Hong-shan1 LU Yan-peng2
1. Institute of Chinese Literature, Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, Chengdu 610071, Sichuan, China; 2. Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Zaozhuang University, Zaozhuang 277160, Shandong, China
literature literature and art reconsidering of discipline cultural identity essential principle counter-essential principle
The cultural identity of literature and art is being reconstructed under linguistic environment of cultural studies.Reconsideration of discipline on literature and art has already become a prolonged academic hot spot. There are two thinking modes:essential principle and the counter-essential one. The essential principle insists on a intrinsic theory, the scientific nature and the classics, while the counter-essential principle redefines the literature and the literature independency. Moreover, the literature and art discipline is reconsidered under esthetic linguistic environment in the daily life. In the reconstruction of literature and art, some advocate adjustment of the interior of literature and art to make it closer with the reality relations, and some insist on reconstructing history and localization of literature and art from exterior. The advantage of the former is that it has the confirmation of system and years discipline. The inferior position is slow in reacting,and is disjointed with society reality. Literature and art practice obviously run adrift of actual culture of masses. The latter advantage lies in keeping abreast of society and the times. The version has ultra-strong sensitiveness to western new culture, and is expert in the analysis in carrying out the version. The inferior position is that it lies on western theory, but its theoretical innovation is excessively insufficient. So it is not able to reinstate new structure of literature and its cultural identity.


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Last Update: 2007-09-20