|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]赵 爽.中国社会个体化的产生及其条件 ——个体化相关理论述评[J].长安大学学报(社科版),2011,13(02):68-75.
 ZHAO Shuang.Emergence and its conditions in China individualization — review of correlated theories of individualization[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2011,13(02):68-75.

中国社会个体化的产生及其条件 ——个体化相关理论述评(PDF)




Emergence and its conditions in China individualization — review of correlated theories of individualization
赵 爽
复旦大学 社会发展与公共政策学院,上海 200433
ZHAO Shuang
School of Social Development and Public Policy, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
中国 个体化 传统社会 礼物交换
China individualization traditional society gift exchange
通过对个体化相关理论的梳理,考察了个体化的概念和个体化的基本特征,提出当今的中国社会正在经历一场个体化的转型; 从大多数学者的市场与个体化、国家与个体化2种不同视角考察了个体化产生的社会条件,指出这2种研究视角存在的缺陷,并试图寻求能够弥补这一缺陷的前提下研究中国个体化的中间道路,即在关系和礼物交换类型的改变中对个体化的表现样态进行考察; 归纳了阎云翔关于中西方个体化进程的比较,由于中西方个体化进程的社会背景不同,中国很可能会走出一条与西方不同的个体化道路。
Through reviewing the correlated theory of individualization's, this paper investigates the concepts and features of individualization, and believes that China is now undergoing the transconform-ation of individualization. This paper then researches the social conditions of individualizations emergence from two perspectives, points out the limitations in the above-mentioned two perspectives, and attempts to find a new road to remedy these limitations, that is: to examine the situation of individualization in the changes of relationship and types of gift exchange. This paper proves the process of Chinese and West individualization which YAN Yun-xiang has pointed out. The author finally believes that as there exist differences is social situations of China and West, China probably may go to a different individualized road from West.


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收稿日期:2011-01-10 作者简介:赵 爽(1982-),女,辽宁铁岭人,法学博士研究生。
更新日期/Last Update: 2011-06-20