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 REN Shiting,ZENG Yan.Connotation and implementation logic of the multiplier effect of data elements[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2024,(02):38-53.





Connotation and implementation logic of the multiplier effect of data elements
(中山大学 岭南学院,广东 广州 510275)
REN Shiting ZENG Yan
(Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, Guangdong, China)
“数据要素× 乘数效应 干中学 正反馈循环 数据流通
“data element × multiplier effect learning by doing positive feedback loop data circulation
F49; F424
数据是数字经济时代的关键生产要素,国家高度重视发挥数据要素乘数效应、赋能经济社会发展。基于凯恩斯主义经济学框架分析数据要素乘数效应的内涵,结合数据要素乘数效应的有利条件和制约因素分析其实现逻辑。研究发现,数据要素乘数效应的内涵包括溢出效应和反馈效应两方面,数据要素的开发利用可以提升投资水平、消费水平、供需匹配效率和政府调控能力等,从而实现溢出效应。研究还发现,数据要素开发利用过程中,可以通过干中学不断提高原始数据积累水平、畅通数据流通渠道、提高数据分析能力,从而实现反馈效应。数据要素乘数效应的实现逻辑包括:非竞争性可以使数据要素实现报酬递增和正反馈循环,是数据要素可以发挥乘数效应的根本原因; 规模经济、正外部性、干中学效应和生产力跃迁是数据要素发挥乘数效应的有利条件; 低数据质量、隐私负外部性、数据共享机会成本、数据安全保护成本等可能制约数据要素发挥乘数效应。研究表明,要促进企业数字化转型,构建跨界融合的数据要素应用生态; 加强数商生态体系培育,畅通数据要素流通渠道; 完善数据要素安全保护制度和公共服务,培育数据安全风险管理产业生态; 以效率和公平为目标,完善数据要素收益分配机制。
In the era of the digital economy, data stands as a pivotal production factor. Recognizing its significance, China prioritizes harnessing the multiplier effect of data elements to bolster economic and social progress.Drawing upon the Keynesian economic framework, this paper delves into the essence of the multiplier effect of data elements, and analyzes its operational logic by examining both the conducive conditions and constraints shaping this effect. The research found that,this multiplier effect reveals two primary facets: spillover effects and feedback effects. The development and utilization of data elements hold the potential to enhance investment, consumption, supply-demand equilibrium, and governmental regulatory capabilities, thus fostering spillover effects. Concurrently, the iterative development and utilization of data elements can elevate the level of original data accumulation, facilitate data circulation, and enhance analytical capabilities through learning by doing, thereby generating feedback effects. The realization logic behind the multiplier effect of data elements underscores the notion that non-competitiveness can drive increasing returns and positive feedback loops, constituting the bedrock for the multiplier effect of data elements. Conditions such as economies of scale, positive externalities, learning-by-doing effects, and productivity enhancements are conducive to unleashing the multiplier effect of data elements. Conversely, challenges such as low data quality, negative privacy externalities, opportunity costs associated with data sharing, and expenses related to data security may impede the realization of this multiplier effect. Hence, it is imperative to advance the digital transformation of enterprises, fostering cross-border integration in the application of data elements. Furthermore, efforts should focus on cultivating a robust digital business ecosystem, smoothing data circulation channels, fortifying data security systems and public services, and nurturing the data security risk management industry ecosystem. Emphasizing efficiency and equity, initiatives should aim to refine mechanisms for distributing income derived from data elements.


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基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(72371256); 广东省自然科学基金卓越青年团队项目(2023B1515040001); 广东省哲学社会科学规划项目(GD22CYJ17); 广东省自然科学基金项目(2022A1515011472)
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-04-20