|本期目录/Table of Contents|

 HU Zaiyong.Research on the bilateral trade cost effects of the infrastructures ofChina and the Six Economic Corridors under "The Belt and Road"[J].Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition),2021,23(02):48-60.





Research on the bilateral trade cost effects of the infrastructures ofChina and the Six Economic Corridors under "The Belt and Road"
外交学院 国际经济学院,北京 100037
HU Zaiyong
School of International Economics, China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing 100037, China
“一带一路” 六大经济走廊 基础设施 双边贸易成本 自由贸易协定 运输时间
The Belt and Road Six Economic Corridors infrastructure bilateral trade cost free trade agreement transportation time
Based on the measuring and calculating the bilateral trade costs between China and the countries along the Six Economic Corridors under "The Belt and Road", this paper analyzes the impact of infrastructures and their interactions on the bilateral trade costs based on gravity equation and the Generalized Method of Moments(GMM). The research shows that the average bilateral trade costs between China and the countries along the Six Economic Corridors fluctuated over time, but the overall downward trend is very significant; the average level and the descend range of the bilateral trade costs between China and each country along the economic corridors are quite diverse, but the overall trends are also downward. After putting the significant impactors under control, such as the gap of per capita income, distance, trade openness, whether or not having signed a free trade agreement, whether or not sharing a border, etc., the study finds that the maritime infrastructure, land and air transport infrastructure and their interaction can significantly reduce the bilateral trade costs, in which the effect of infrastructure interaction on reducing bilateral trade costs is lower than that of infrastructures themselves.


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基金项目:北京市社会科学基金项目(18ZGB003); 中央高校基本科研业务费重大创新项目(3162019ZYKA03)
更新日期/Last Update: 2021-03-10