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Analysis of new infrastructure investment and financing in the transportation field in the context of “data element ×”(PDF)


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Analysis of new infrastructure investment and financing in the transportation field in the context of “data element ×”
OU Guoli12 WANG Junwei2
(1. China Transportation Economics Research Center, Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 100044, China; 2. School of Economics and Management,Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China)
“data element × investment and financing model new transportation infrastructure high-quality development
The “Data Element ×” Three-Year Action Plan (2024—2026)outlines specific directives to harness the multiplier effect of data elements and propel high-quality development. Presently, investment and financing in new transportation infrastructure encounter several pressing issues, including the challenge of traditional channels to meet capital requirements, the absence of a sustainable investment return loop, inadequate supporting systems and regulations, and an unclear delineation of governmental roles. To expedite the enhancement of sustainable funding mechanisms for new transportation infrastructure and drive its empowerment of economic and social progress, it is imperative to comprehend the essence and investment attributes of such infrastructure from a digital product standpoint. Only by discerning how new transportation infrastructure facilitates high-quality economic development and uncovering the underlying challenges in investment and financing in the new era can we chart a pragmatic course for innovating investment and financing channels amidst the backdrop of “data element ×”. The study reveals that new transportation infrastructure aligns with the ongoing scientific and technological revolution and industrial metamorphosis, amalgamating novel elements into traditional infrastructure frameworks to assume new roles, adopt fresh forms, and catalyze the amalgamation of transportation networks, logistics service networks, energy networks, and information networks. This modern transportation infrastructure system exemplifies a quintessential scenario of “data element × transportation”, with its ivestment marked by varied scales, diverse stakeholders, potent multiplier effects, and market-driven operations, hence emerging as a pivotal driver for investment promotion, growth stabilization, and high-quality economic advancement. The research shows that, in order to revolutionize the investment and financing models of new transportation infrastructure and establish a sustainable funding support framework, it is essential to adopt the “data element ×” perspective, delineate service targets, core products, and values of such infrastructure, facilitate its transition to data-driven operations, foster a sustainable investment return cycle, streamline innovative application channels, explore novel investment mechanisms, fortify the top design of new transportation infrastructure, and ensure robust policy and institutional backing.


[1] 孙百亮,宋琳.交通现代化与人的行动自由之拓展——理解交通发展的另一种视角[J].长安大学学报(社会科学版),2022(2):90-100.


Last Update: 2024-04-20