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The logic and focus of building an industrial system in the Chinese path to modernization from the perspective of new quality productivity(PDF)


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The logic and focus of building an industrial system in the Chinese path to modernization from the perspective of new quality productivity
SHI Yazhou
(School of Economics and Management, Xi'an University of Aeronautics, Xi'an 710077, Shaanxi, China)
new quality productivity Chinese path to modernization industrial system data elements systems theory functional industrial policy industrial chain innovation-driven
F121.3; F124
The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China recognized the establishment of a modern industrial system as a crucial strategy in fostering a new development pattern and advancing high-quality development. Employing the perspective of new quality productivity and utilizing systems theory methodology alongside the analytical framework of industrial economics, this study delves into the actualities of China's modernization efforts and the requirements of modern industrial system development. It systematically examines the constituent elements of the industrial system in the Chinese path to modernization. The research underscores the necessity of delineating the essence and distinctive features of the industrial system in the Chinese path to modernization while adhering to the logical principles governing its construction—an imperative aspect in this endeavor. The industrial system in the Chinese path to modernization is revealed to be a complex economic system comprising interconnected subsystems such as industrial entities, structures, policies, safeguards, and innovations. These subsystems interact dynamically and are intricately coordinated to forge a cohesive industrial system in the Chinese path to modernization. The findings emphasize the cultivation and fortification of new industrial entities, prioritizing the advancement of the real economy, reinforcing the foundational support for modern industries, expediting the transformation and adjustment of industrial policies, and implementing innovation-driven strategies. These efforts not only constitute the crux of constructing an industrial system in the Chinese path to modernization but also serve as essential measures in accelerating the establishment of a new development pattern and facilitating high-quality development.


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Last Update: 2024-03-06