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Methods, template application and implications of Japan's formulation of digital trade rules(PDF)


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Methods, template application and implications of Japan's formulation of digital trade rules
SHI Jinfang12 SUI Xiao2
(1. Research Center for Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Dongbei University of Finance &Economics, Dalian 116025, Liaoning, China; 2. College of International Economics & Trade,Dongbei University of Finance & Economics, Dalian 116025, Liaoning, China)
digital trade rule e-commerce rule digital governance Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP) Japan
F49; F744
The rapid evolution of global digital trade has underscored the paramount importance of economic and trade regulations. Japan, notably, has made significant strides in shaping digital trade regulations. By examining Japan's specific methodologies in rule formulation, employing text analysis and comparative assessments, this paper aims to dissect its approach and unravel the positive implications therein. Our study identifies Japan's three primary avenues for engaging in digital trade rule formulation. Firstly, it actively participates in digital trade negotiations via international bodies like the WTO. Secondly, Japan places considerable emphasis on digital issues within its international collaborations. Thirdly, it integrates numerous digital trade rules and clauses into its economic and trade agreements through EPA and FTA initiatives. This proactive stance positions Japan at the forefront of the global digital trade rules landscape. Through a comparison of various digital trade rule templates, our analysis uncovers Japan's integration of three major templates into its EPA and FTA agreements. Impressively, Japan crafts digital trade regulations flexibly, tailoring them to different contracting parties. It adeptly pursues high-standard rules akin to the “American template” while incorporating the digital supervision model of the “European template” and embracing the inclusive terms of the “East Asian template”. The research underscores the potential for learning from Japan's experiences in digital trade rule formulation. It recommends active involvement in multilateral digital trade negotiations, leveraging China's influence in international rule formulation. Additionally, the implementation of RCEP digital trade rules and the promotion of consensus around the “East Asia template” are advocated. This approach aims to enhance the breadth and depth of regulations to align with high-level global digital trade standards.


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Last Update: 2023-12-30