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On combining the basic principles of Marxism with excellent Chinese traditional culture(PDF)


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On combining the basic principles of Marxism with excellent Chinese traditional culture
LI Yun WANG Liding
(School of Marxism, Northwest University of Political Science and Law, Xi'an 710122, Shaanxi, China)
the 20th National Congress of the CPC basic principles of Marxism excellent Chinese traditional culture socialist culture the modernization of Marxism in China
G122; A81
The report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized that “upholding and developing Marxism must be combined with the excellent Chinese traditional culture”. Based on this, under the guidance of General Secretary XI Jinping's important expositions, and according to the research approach of profound connotation, logical basis and practical requirements, this paper conducts a theoretical analysis of the important thesis of “combining the basic principles of Marxism with excellent Chinese traditional culture”. According to the research, the ideological essence of the basic principles of Marxism is the “four persistences” mentioned by General Secretary XI Jinping. The excellent Chinese traditional culture is the unity of excellent material culture and conceptual culture, but its essence lies in excellent conceptual culture. The inevitability of combining the basic principles of Marxism with the excellent Chinese traditional culture is mainly reflected in their high compatibility, mutual inclusiveness, mutual need and common practical basis. To constantly promote the integration of the essence of Marxist thought with the essence of excellent Chinese traditional culture, we must adhere to the “four unifications”, that is, to adhere to the unification of unity and diversity, the unification of academic rationality and popularity, the unification of historicity and reality, the unification of nationality and humanity. This is conducive to consolidating the historical and mass basis of the modernization of Marxism in China, inheriting and developing the excellent Chinese traditional culture, and creating new glories for Chinese culture.


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Last Update: 2022-12-20