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On Marx's view of transportation and turning China into a transportation power in the new era(PDF)


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On Marx's view of transportation and turning China into a transportation power in the new era
SANG Yeming
(School of Marxism, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China)
Marx's view of transportation transportation new era transportation power surplus value interconnected road network supply-side structural reform
Xi Jinping's important discourse on transportation is the latest achievement of Marx's view of transportation. Guided by Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, we must study Marx's view of transportation in depth from the theoretical origin, and study the epochal value of Marx's view of transportation through the text analysis method based on the analysis of its basic ideological content, combined with the specific national conditions of the construction of China as a transportation power. This study believes that Marx's view of transportation is an important theoretical system which is gradually formed in the process of creating a materialistic conception of history and the surplus value theory. It believes that the connotation of transportation is the activity to change the "positions" of people and things purposefully, a unique material production department, an important category of productivity development, an important factor leading to the transformation of production relations, a pioneer of modern industrial development, an industry that needs to be built by "joint efforts", and an important condition for the proletariat to achieve unity. Marx's view of transportation entails significant value of the times. It is an important theoretical basis for the construction of transportation power. In the new era, we should take the reform of investment and financing mechanism as the starting point, give full play to the pioneering role of transportation; firmly grasp the strategic base of expanding domestic demand, deepen the structural reform of transportation supply side; promote the construction of infrastructure network and build a modern and comprehensive transportation system. Also, we should give play to the role of cultural exchange of transportation and enhance the voice of the state.


[1] 马克思,恩格斯.马克思恩格斯选集:第1卷[M].中共中央马克思恩格斯列宁斯大林著作编译局,编译.北京:人民出版社,2012.


Last Update: 2021-07-20