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Paradox and reconciliation of Confucius’s philosophy of art(PDF)


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Paradox and reconciliation of Confucius’s philosophy of art
PENG Li-zhi
School of Literature, Art and Communication, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi, China
Confucius philosophy of art “small Tao” “large Tao” “small skill” “large skill” view of Jiantong
In order to study Confucius’s philosophy of art, this paper clarified the formation of Confucius’s art form by reviewing relevant literature and analyzed the paradox between “there must be merits in small skills” and “gentlemen do not engage in small skills”. The results show that there is difference between the large and the small, the one and the many, the beginning and the ending in Confucius’s art philosophy. However, from the standpoint of “one principle runs through it all”, the size of art is dependent on whether the technician can thoroughly understand heaven, earth and humanity; the difference between the large and the small of Tao is whether one can stick to one skill and master all, which means even “small skill” can make one achieve the ultimate realm of the art. “Small skill” is synonymous with ancient art, which includes the different categories of ancient art, but Confucius thinks that Tao includes not only art but also all the things in nature. He emphasizes Tao and art are complementary with each other, and his view “there must be merits in small skills” is endowed with the aesthetic spirit of “You” and the life realm of “Tong”, which is the essence of Confucius’s aesthetics of existence. The so called “gentlemen do not engage in these small skills” actually refers to that the gentleman is not limited to one skill. And it is directly related to “the large, the small, the beginning and the end” of Tao and art as well as its function and reflects the difference between governor and technician in their status hierarchy. The difference between desirable and undesirable art lies in the tendency to be simple or perfect. Confucius upgrades “art” which originally contain the technical components to a new philosophical level of “Tao”, and promotes it to be an art theory with the metaphysical color and universal value, making this paradox in surface integrated from argumentation and application.


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Last Update: 2017-03-07