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Theoretical formation of Heidegger’s physical view to media philosophy(PDF)


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Theoretical formation of Heidegger’s physical view to media philosophy
Qiao Ji-qing
School of Literary Arts and Communication, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi, China
on the nature of things the material nature of things interness ontology media philosophy the object of zuhanden
In order to study how the media enter the field of philosophy, this paper adopted traditional philosophy theory as a theoretical foundation for media philosophy. Through the discussion of Heidegger’s interness, the paper analyzed the position of the object with the characteristics of media from the perspective of interness, and determined the position of media in ontology. The research results show that Heidegger’s ontology mainly explores the existence nature of things and the possibility of pursuing the authentic self, and during this process the existence of things as interness is inevitably present. There are three aspects for the idea of the material nature of things. The first aspect is based on the ontology of existence of things. Object, as a kind of object of zuhanden for existence of things, plays a guiding and symbolic role. For its "interrelation" structure, it points out the interrelation between existence of things and object, and even the meaning of the whole world. The second aspect is based on its own existence structure. The state of “ordinary people” in the form of alienation constitutes the daily existence state of things, and in the form of “utensil” it constructs the existence of utensil’s state, which makes the existence of things in the state of gossip, curiousness and ambiguous degradation. The third aspect is based on the origin of the object. Objects, as the aggregation of heaven, earth, man and God needs to be achieved by art works. It means that the creation of objects is regarded as a kind of work to show its material nature. For example, poetry, as an essential art, makes object present itself as object in poetic dwelling. These three aspects constitute the three dimensions of media philosophy. These views on the nature of things play an important role in the media analysis from the perspective of ontology.


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Last Update: 2017-03-07