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Building an ecologically integrative country with powerful transportation in the new era: thinking based on the concept of green development(PDF)


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Building an ecologically integrative country with powerful transportation in the new era: thinking based on the concept of green development
OU GuoliWANG Qipo
School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
ecologically integrative transportation system green development country with powerful transportation green innovationthreedimensional comprehensive transportation
The staged improvement of China’s transportation has supported social and economic development, and it has now entered the key period of reform of the ecological civilization system. There is an urgent need to address the key problem of how to build a country with powerful transportation in the new era, to provide theoretical guidance and support for the planning and innovation of the transportation system, and to solve the practical problems encountered by the government and enterprises in the transportation decisionmaking. Based on the literature research method and FSO threedimensional comprehensive transportation theory, this paper reviews the theoretical development of the ecologically integrative transportation system, summarizes the development and reform process of the integrated transportation system since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, puts forward the stage theory of the integrated transportation system, and constructs the theoretical framework of the ecological integrated transportation system. The research holds that the ecologically integrative transportation system is the advanced stage of integrated transportation development, whose theoretical connotation is to meet the requirements of social and economic coordination and friendly development from three dimensions as function, structure and operation. The conclusions are as follows: to construct an ecologically integrative transportation system, it is necessary to carry out the green technology innovation and green management innovation, grasp the innovation of transportation products, technology, market, resource allocation and organization, pay attention to the coordination of transportation development and ecological development, and thus provide a green driving force for the country with powerful transportation. Only by constructing an ecologically integrative transportation system, promoting the green development of international, intercity and urban transportation, contributing to the green development of transportation business organization, hard and soft resources, and advancing the green development of planning, interaction and flexibility mechanism, can China be built into a country with powerful transportation based on greed development.


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Last Update: 2018-11-14