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Research on coupling and coordination of digital economy and high-quality economic development in Guanzhong Plain(PDF)


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Research on coupling and coordination of digital economy and high-quality economic development in Guanzhong Plain
QING Dongrui1 LIU Jie2 LAI Mingming3
(1. School of Marxism, Xi'an University of Finance and Economics, Xi'an 710100, Shaanxi, China; 2.Office of Students' Affairs, Hebei Academy of Fine Arts, Shijiazhuang 050700, Hebei, China; 3. School of Marxism, Shenzhen Technology University, Shenzhen 518118, Guangdong, China)
Guanzhong Plain urban agglomeration digital economy high-quality development of urban agglomeration coupling coordination
This analysis aims to explore the coupling coordination mechanisms between digital economy and high-quality economic development in the Guanzhong Plain urban agglomeration. This involves crafting evaluation indices for both the digital economy and urban agglomeration's high-quality aspects. Employing the entropy method and a coupling coordination degree model, the study delves into regional disparities and the spatiotemporal evolution traits shaping the coupling coordination degree between digital economy and high-quality economic growth within the Guanzhong Plain urban agglomeration. The research uncovers a strong coupling and integrative relationship between the two subsystems within the Guanzhong Plain urban agglomeration, namely digital economic development and urban high-quality development. This synergy suggests a mutually reinforcing dynamic between digital and high-quality development. Over a decade, the coupling coordination between digital economy and high-quality development have shown varying degrees of improvement across most cities within the region. However, disparities persist among cities, with many still experiencing a lack of coordination. Examining individual cities, Xi'an City in Shaanxi Province stands out for achieving a coordinated state between digital economy and high-quality urban development. Other prefecture-level cities in Shaanxi Province have also shown noteworthy progress. Meanwhile, urban coupling coordination in Shanxi Province reflects a relatively balanced development compared to Shaanxi Province. Tianshui City and Pingliang City in Gansu Province have demonstrated improved coordination levels, whereas Qingyang City has consistently lingered in a state of moderate imbalance regarding coupling coordination.


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Last Update: 2023-12-30