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Long-term stagnation of world economic growth:problems, causes and solutions(PDF)


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Long-term stagnation of world economic growth:problems, causes and solutions
LIU Naixi HONG Bixiao PAN Mingrui
(School of International Economics, China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing 100037, China)
world economic growth economic cycle macro data financial governance technological cooperation food safety
Since the breakout of the subprime financial crisis in 2008 and the recent impact of the global pandemic COVID-19, the world economic growth has been stagnant for quite a long time. Based on macro historical data analysis, it has been found that this long-term stagnation has seven characteristics: sustained sluggish economic growth speed, overall declining trend in trade growth, relatively low FDI and the intensifying structural differentiation of FDI, deflationary pressures for developed countries and inflationary pressures for developing countries, constant high unemployment rate, frequent food crisis, and slowed total factor productivity growth rate. This research suggests that the main causes of this long-term stagnation mainly include ten structural issues: the continuous growth of government debt, the aggravation of the aging of the overall world population, the slowdown of the improvement of human capital level, the continuous decline in the driving force of technological progress, the industrial impact of replacing old energy with new energy, the increasingly slow migration and upgrading of the world industrial structure, the intensification of populism and protectionism, the widening inequality in wealth distribution all over the world, structural conflicts in the global monetary system that is dominated by the single dollar, and frequent geopolitical risks. In dealing with all these constraints, forming a more responsible international economic and industrial cooperative governance, carrying out closer technological cooperation and innovation, actively reducing the inequality in income and wealth distribution, and paying more attention to strengthening international financial governance cooperation are the four key issues that need to be addressed promptly for the world economic growth to break out of the stagnation. They are also important factors that further promote the continuous strengthening of other long-term endogenous drivers.


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Last Update: 2022-12-20