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corresponding empirical research(PDF)


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corresponding empirical research
SHI Jing QIAN Qian YU Hongmiao
(Institute of Transportation Engineering, Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084, China)
over-tourism urban tourism density of guesthouse Zipf 's Law all-for-one tourism tourist tax
In view of the disorderly factors caused by over-tourism in the tourist destinations, this paper aims to summarize and analyze the causes of formation and harms of over-tourism, by using the three indicators of tourism density, intensity of tourism, and density of guesthouse to determine the status of over-tourism based on analytical statistics, and adopting the sum of the scores of the above three indicators as the index value for evaluating over-tourism. This paper then uses the Zipf distribution log-log graph and Head/tail break method to determine the data categorization method, and adopts the spaced score accumulation method to establish the comprehensive evaluation method of over-tourism. Next, it conducts empirical analysis on the data collected from cross-sectional domestic and overseas tourist cities and verifies the feasibility of the above evaluation method. Findings through the data analysis are as follows. Firstly, the comprehensive evaluation score for over-tourism shows the relative sequence of the extent of over-tourism of tourist destinations, from which the corresponding factors of the over-tourism risks of each city can be deduced. This will offer reference for setting the priority of relevant policies targeting over-tourism. Secondly, among the sample cities, the overseas destinations with risks of over-tourism focus on third-and fourth-tiers countermeasures such as traffic regulation and levying tourist tax, while those in China focus on second-and third-tier countermeasures such as scenic spot conservation and traffic regulation. Although China's tourist services bear more traffic load than those of certain developed countries, no phenomenon of over-tourism that declines tourists has appeared. Thirdly, China still needs to utilize economic means to avoid the over-reliance of certain regions on tourism, upgrade the scenic spot conservation in the city to all-round conservation of the whole city, and implement tourist tax policies as needed.


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