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The centennial history, fundamental experience and contemporary implications of the ideological construction of the Communist Party of China(PDF)


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The centennial history, fundamental experience and contemporary implications of the ideological construction of the Communist Party of China
BAI Qingping GAO Nan
(School of Marxism, Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, Xi'an 710021, Shaanxi, China)
Communist Party of China(CPC) ideological construction seeking truth from facts basic principles of Marxism fine traditional Chinese culture Sinicization of Marxism centralized education political construction
Reviewing CPC's 100-year history of ideological construction and summarizing the inherent laws is of great significance for continuing the long march of ideological construction in the new era. Based on the characteristics of Party history and ideological construction, CPC's ideological construction can be divided into four stages: the pioneering development in the New Democratic Revolution period, the continuous development in the socialist revolution and construction period, the deepening development in the reform and opening up and new socialist construction period, and the innovative development in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This paper conducts research on these four stages respectively. Over the past 100 years, CPC has developed the following fundamental experience in its ideological construction. CPC has adhered to the guiding principle of seeking truth from facts, combined the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality as well as the fine traditional Chinese culture, and advanced the Party's ideological construction in accordance with the ideological reality within the Party and the main tasks of the Party, which constitute the basic principles of ideological construction; adhered to the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the implementation of local organizations and grass-roots organizations of the Party, which constitute the main components of ideological construction; insisted on studying Marxist classics and Chinese Marxist theory, which constitutes the basic content of ideological construction; adhered to the focus on “leading cadres” and achieved full coverage of all Party members; insisted on promoting the Party's ideological construction through centralized education within the Party, which constitutes the basic method of ideological construction; adhered to the close integration of the Party's ideological construction with other constructions, which constitutes the basic means to carry out ideological construction. The centennial history of ideological construction of the CPC leaves the following implications to the contemporary leaders. In order to strengthen the Party's ideological construction in the new era, we must follow the fundamental experience, adhere to the guiding principle of seeking truth from facts, adhere to the fundamental status of ideological construction, adhere to using the Party's political construction as the guidelines in ideological construction, combine ideological construction with the construction in other fields, vigorously promote the Sinicization of Marxism, and constantly innovate the methods and methodology of ideological education within the Party.


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Last Update: 2022-05-20