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Review and inspirations of the history of foreign trade in the past century under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (PDF)


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Review and inspirations of the history of foreign trade in the past century under the leadership of the Communist Party of China
HE Jinqi JIN Ziyue
(School of Economics, Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing 211815, Jiangsu, China)
Communist Party of China foreign trade leadership of the Communist Party reform and opening up high-quality development high-level opening up
In order to ensure the sustainable and high-quality development of China's foreign trade cause, reviewing and summarizing the achievements and experience of foreign trade development under the leadership of the Communist Party of China over the past century is an important issue that needs to be clearly demonstrated. The century-old foreign trade development under the leadership of the Communist Party of China is divided into five different development stages, namely 1921-1948, 1949-1977, 1978-2000, 2001-2012, 2013 to the present. This paper conducts a comprehensive review, analysis and summary of the Chinese Communist Party's trade ideas and policies, trade practices, foreign trade achievements, and existing deficiencies, etc. Research has shown that the domestic and foreign situations and development conditions have been different at each stage in the past century, and the trade policies formulated by the Communist Party of China were also different. Adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of China is China's institutional advantages and the political guarantee for the development of foreign trade; adhering to independence and autonomy and seeking truth from facts is the guideline and trade method for the success of foreign trade; adhering to the people-centered approach is the starting point and end point of foreign trade; and adhering to reform and opening up is the only way for China to become prosperous and strong. These principles and experiences are always coherent and unified, and they are the key to continued success in China's foreign trade cause.


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Last Update: 2021-12-30