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Empirical analysis on the willingness of the rural elderly to participate in mutual support in the context of three-child policy(PDF)


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Empirical analysis on the willingness of the rural elderly to participate in mutual support in the context of three-child policy
DU Zhimin CAO Jingxi
(School of Humanities, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China)
rural elderly mutual support for the aged willingness to choose old-age care community ISM model household income
D669.6; F323.89
With the intensification of the degree of aging in rural population, the rural old-age care issue has become a hot topic of concern of the government and the society, as well as one of the problems aimed to be solved by the three-child policy. At present, the rural areas are faced with the weakening of the function of the family old-age care model, the lack of social old-age care model security etc. Under this background, the model of mutual support for the aged has become a new way to solve the old-age care problems in rural China. In order to further understand the elderly's willingness to participate in the mutual support model and analyze its influencing factors, so as to promote the healthy and sustainable development of the mutual support model, this paper analyzes the participation willingness of the elderly in mutual support and its influencing factors through the explanatory structure model(ISM), based on the survey data of 357 elderly people aged 60 or above in Xi'an city. The results show that among the factors affecting the elderly participating in mutual support, the interaction frequency of community members, the traditional concept of "raising children to provide for one's old age" and community satisfaction are the direct representation factors; degree of anxiety for life is an indirect middle-level factor; residence style and annual household income are secondary indirect middle-level factors; marriage, self-care ability, education level, children's education level and age are the underlying factors. Accordingly, to solve the development predicament in mutual support for the aged in rural areas, it is proposed to further change the traditional thinking of "raising children to provide for one's old age" of some elderly, encourage and guide the elderly to actively participate in mutual support, improve the infrastructure of mutual support for the aged, establish competition incentive mechanisms for the management personnel and organizers, expand the service scope of mutual support for the aged in content, and constantly come up with ways to satisfy the elderly's needs for social interaction, respect and self-actualization.


[1] 中共中央 国务院关于优化生育政策促进人口长期均衡发展的决定[EB/OL].(2021-07-20)[2021-08-01].http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2021-07/20/content_5626190.htm.


Last Update: 2021-09-20