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Relationship between socioeconomic status of farmers and the number of children(PDF)


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Relationship between socioeconomic status of farmers and the number of children
LUO Li-qunGAO Xia-liZHAO WeiDING RuiWENG Tang-mei
1.School of Sociology,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,Hubei,China;2.School of Sociology and Political Science,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444,China
socioeconomic status fertility peasants quantity of children intergenerational transfer
Whether socioeconomic status and fertility promote or hinder each other has been a controversial issue in academic circles for a long time. In order to explore the relationship between socioeconomic status (family status) and fertility of contemporary Chinese peasants, this study conducted a theoretical model from the perspectives of the influence of peasant’s family socioeconomic status on the quantity of biological children and the influence of the quantity of biological children on peasant’s socioeconomic status.In 2015 and 2016,the research surveyed 1 418 and 1 416 heads of households in rural areas of central Hunan province and eastern Henan province respectively.In this study,the dependent variable is quantity of children in every household,and the independent variables are every household’s current socioeconomic status, previous family composition of head of household’s father,gender of head of household,age of head of household,educated years of head of household and so on. These elements were analyzed by ordered probit regression model.The research finds that whether in the rural areas of Hunan province or Henan province,the families with better life have more children,whereas the the families with poorer life with less children;assuming that the quantity of children really affects the current socioeconomic status of a family, the regression analysis shows that the quantity of children has a positive impact on the current socioeconomic status.The research findings show that in Chinese rural areas,the statement “the poorer they are,the more children they breed,the more children they breed;the poorer they will become” does not conform to the fact.Therefore,the socioeconomic status of peasant’s family and fertility promote each other,and the socioeconomic status of peasant is,to some extent,a powerful force transferred from generation to generation.




Last Update: 2018-05-31