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Emergence and its conditions in China individualization — review of correlated theories of individualization(PDF)


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Emergence and its conditions in China individualization — review of correlated theories of individualization
ZHAO Shuang
School of Social Development and Public Policy, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
China individualization traditional society gift exchange
Through reviewing the correlated theory of individualization's, this paper investigates the concepts and features of individualization, and believes that China is now undergoing the transconform-ation of individualization. This paper then researches the social conditions of individualizations emergence from two perspectives, points out the limitations in the above-mentioned two perspectives, and attempts to find a new road to remedy these limitations, that is: to examine the situation of individualization in the changes of relationship and types of gift exchange. This paper proves the process of Chinese and West individualization which YAN Yun-xiang has pointed out. The author finally believes that as there exist differences is social situations of China and West, China probably may go to a different individualized road from West.


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Last Update: 2011-06-20