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DU Fu’s inheritance and development of QU Fu’s techniques in his poems(PDF)


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DU Fu’s inheritance and development of QU Fu’s techniques in his poems
WANG Mei-ling ZHANG Xi
School of International Education, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, Shaanxi, China
DU Fu QU Fu artistic technique romanticism image emotion
QU Yuan is the learning example of DU Fu in his creation of poetry. DU Fu’s poems are deeply influenced by QU Fu,especially in artistic technique. This paperanalyzed the contents of DU Fu’s poems which is relevant to QU Fu by means of documentary analysis method and comparative analysis method. The results show that DU Fu has literary pursuit of critical inheritance and development, and there are many direct applications of QU Fu in his creation. And he is also influenced by QU Yuan’s personal spirit and cultural mentality. DU Fu’s creationis influenced by the technique of metaphorin QU Yuan’s poems, such as “Li Sao” to express his rich feelings.QU Yuan compares the relation between the monarch and his subjects to the relation between male and female, and uses flowers and birds in nature to express beauty and ugliness. In the choice of the image, DU Fu learns from Qu Fu, but he expands the symbol of images to all natural things.Some of DU Fu’s romantic poems are greatly affected by QU Fu’s romanticism. Through fantasy and the god world, QU Fu’s romanticism depicts magnificent strange pictures, and such romanticism is also expressed by hot and insistent pursuit of ideals and beliefs.Similarly, DU Fu’s poems also construct the virtual world by fancy imagination, but the images are affected by real person and full of optimistic and romantic affection.Some of DU Fu’s poems inherit the theme of sorrowful autumn in QU Fu, with the images of dead wood, autumn rains, and autumn wind.The quantity and quality of this type of poem written by DU Fu both exceed that written by QU Yuan. DU Fu’s poems not only enrich and develop this theme but also expand the expression content on the basis of it.


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Last Update: 2017-03-07