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Application of corpus in the study of the Yellow River in the Qing Dynasty from the perspective of digital humanities(PDF)


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Application of corpus in the study of the Yellow River in the Qing Dynasty from the perspective of digital humanities
PAN Wei XU Juan
(School of History and Archives, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, Yunnan, China)
digital humanities corpus application analysis and part-of-speech tagging Qing Dynasty Yellow River “Financial Records of River Canals”
The study of the Yellow River during the Qing Dynasty is a significant area of research in historical geography. The advancement of informatization in historical geography has provided a wealth of digital historical materials for studying the Yellow River in this period, while also introducing new challenges in organizing, analyzing, and extracting knowledge from these materials. Introducing corpus analysis into the study of the Yellow River in the Qing Dynasty can facilitate more in-depth research by enabling multilingual, diachronic, and large-scale data processing and analysis. This study begins with word segmentation and part-of-speech tagging to explain the necessity of using a corpus in researching the Yellow River in the Qing Dynasty. It proposes a set of feasible technical specifications for constructing an annotated corpus of the Yellow River in the Qing Dynasty. An empirical study is conducted using a portion of the “Financial Records of River Canals” corpus from the Qing Dynasty. The study extracts data on the source, destination, quantity, and timing of the subsidies allocated by the government for the Yellow River over the years from the annotated corpus based on parts of speech such as annotated dates, locations, organizations, numerals, and quantifiers. The sources include locations and silver items. This indicator data supports rapid knowledge organization and in-depth knowledge discovery, reflecting changes in the fiscal system of the river construction subsidy system during different periods of the Qing Dynasty and its impact on the Yellow River construction works.


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Last Update: 2024-06-10