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Research on the mechanisms, effects, and optimization strategies of empowering the continuous increase of farmers' income with “data element ×”(PDF)


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Research on the mechanisms, effects, and optimization strategies of empowering the continuous increase of farmers' income with “data element ×”
ZENG Xiangming1 HU yuan1 ZHANG Qiuyue2
(1. School of Marxism, China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing),Beijing 100083, China; 2. College of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China)
common prosperity continuous increase of farmers' income “data element × multiplier effect agricultural and rural modernization new quality productive forces
F323.8; F49
Data, as a novel determinant, is reshaping the landscape of agriculture and rural areas, as well as the production methods and lifestyles of farmers. It serves as a catalyst for sustaining and bolstering farmers' income growth. In the pursuit of fostering common prosperity through the advancement of high-quality new quality productive forces, in order to comprehensively and accurately comprehend the positive role of “data element ×” in empowering the continuous increase of farmers' income, this study delves into the mechanisms, effects, and optimization strategies of “data element ×” driving sustained income growth among farmers by adopting a blend of quantitative and qualitative analyses. It contends that within the framework of common prosperity, data elements empower the continuous increase of farmers' income by establishing digital infrastructure to bridge the digital gap, fostering digital industrialization to introduce novel business formats and models, catalyzing the digital transformation of industries to nurture new economic hubs, developing digitized governance to enhance rural governance efficiency, and improving marketization to increase and diversify income streams of farmers, thus fostering multifaceted benefits including bolstering foundational strengths, expanding scale, mitigating profit margins, optimizing organizations, and fostering spatial diffusion. Research shows that in order to further drive the effect of “data element ×” in empowering the continuous increase of farmers' income for common prosperity in the future, it is imperative to strengthen the establishment of digital economy infrastructure in rural areas, effectively bridge the digital gap between urban and rural areas; promote the high-quality development of rural digital industrialization, cultivate a fresh impetus for augmenting farmers' employment and income; accelerate the digitalization across the entirety of rural agriculture, propel the dual enhancement of farmers' income and consumption; enhance the digital proficiency of rural social governance, refine the landscape for farmers' employment and income growth; establish a diversified rural digital technology training system, and bolster farmers' capacity to secure employment and elevate their income levels.


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Last Update: 2024-06-10