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Research on the new retail transformation path of commercial circulation enterprises under the background of digital economy(PDF)


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Research on the new retail transformation path of commercial circulation enterprises under the background of digital economy
CHEN Jinwei1 CUI Junfu2
(1. School of Economics, Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing 211815, Jiangsu, China; 2. School of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211815, Jiangsu, China)
digital economy new retail driven by digital technology commercial and trade circulation enterprises supply chain reverse integration
To address the developmental challenges facing commercial circulation enterprises in the digital economy era and chart an effective path for new retail transformation, this study conducts a comprehensive analysis rooted in the commercial essence and technical characteristics of new retail. Leveraging relevant theories from Marxist political economy and Western economics, the research elucidates the intertwined relationship between new retail and the digital economy, focusing on two key aspects: the digital economy's empowerment of new retail and the reciprocal impact of new retail on the digital economy. The analysis delineates the constraints and hurdles encountered in the transformation of new retail while exploring avenues for its evolution within the digital economy landscape. The research reveals that amidst the deep integration of the digital economy and new retail, businesses leverage digital technology to reshape the division of labor within commodities. By fundamentally altering the supply-demand matching model, they achieve real-time synchronization across the entire supply chain, thereby addressing operational challenges faced by traditional commercial and trade circulation enterprises. This transformative approach not only enhances commodity circulation efficiency but also invigorates the national consumer economy, fostering the development of a modernized circulation system. Moreover, the study advocates for a paradigm shift among commercial and trade circulation enterprises in the digital economy era, emphasizing the imperative of swiftly adapting cognitive frameworks and business strategies. It underscores the need to cultivate a symbiotic relationship between digital technology and business information, transitioning from a product-centric approach to one centered around customers. Operationally, the focus is directed towards talent cultivation, organizational innovation, and the establishment of robust digital management frameworks. Simultaneously, an emphasis is placed on self-functional development and role adaptation to maximize contributions to the emerging dual circulation development pattern, both domestically and internationally, thereby enhancing economic and social value and facilitating comprehensive transformation and upgrading of new retail at a higher echelon.


[1] 中国连锁经营协会.“2023年CCFA零售科技新锐企业”正式发布[EB/OL].(2023-05-26)[2023-11-12].http://www.ccfa.org.cn/portal/cn/xiangxi.jsp?id=444819&ks=%E6%96%B0%E9%94%90&type=10003.


Last Update: 2024-03-06