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Digital content trade: definition, scale measurement,and structural analysis——from a Chinese perspective(PDF)


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Digital content trade: definition, scale measurement,and structural analysis——from a Chinese perspective
(China Institute for WTO Studies, University of International Business and Economics,Beijing 100029, China)
digital content trade concept definition scale measurement structural analysis cultural trade
This study aims to delve into China's digital content trade, focusing on its export scale, structural features, and other issues. Following the calculation methodology of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD), this paper assesses China's digital content trade with 135 major global economies. The analysis encompasses the export scale of digital content, specifically examining digital audio-visuals, digital games, and digital books. We not only measured overall trade volume but also scrutinized the export values within these three distinct categories of digital content products. Moreover, we conducted an in-depth examination of China's digital content trade's developmental trajectory, primary export destinations, and the significant traded products with different destinations. Research findings advocate that major economies like the European Union, the United States, Japan, and South Korea stand as pivotal export markets for China's digital content trade. Notably, digital games and digital audio-visuals emerge as the primary trade commodities, with digital games exhibiting substantial competitiveness abroad. However, consumer preferences, internet penetration, and diverse factors significantly influence the preferences for different digital content types from China across varied economies. For instance, digital games are favored by consumers in Japan, South Korea, and North America, while consumers in other parts of China prefer digital audio-visual products. In light of the rapid evolution of digital content trade, the study underscores for China to actively engage in international digital trade governance, strengthen its influence in formulating digital trade regulations and establish universally standardized digital trade rules promptly; to further integrate culture and technology to enhance the international competitiveness of China's digital content products, elevating them within the value chain's higher echelons; to tailor export promotion strategies for different digital content types, such as enhancing translation quality, organizing cultural exchange initiatives, and targeting emerging markets.


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Last Update: 2023-12-01