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Theory and practice of higher education governance of physical education in the new era(PDF)


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Theory and practice of higher education governance of physical education in the new era
DAI Hanzhi
(Department of Physical Education, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710091, Shaanxi, China)
higher education higher education of physical education governance game analysis university charter physical education curriculum
With the continuous enhancement of students' subject awareness and rights awareness, students' participation in higher education governance has become an important issue in higher education reform. Based on the behavior expectations of students' participation in the higher education governance of physical education, at the theoretical level, with the comprehensive application of stakeholder theory, student participation theory, procedural justice theory and evolutionary game theory, at the level of historical practice, by drawing on the experience of students' participation in the higher education governance of physical education at home and abroad, this paper discusses the necessity of students' participation in the higher education governance of physical education through theoretical basis and historical practice, and puts forward path selection and optimization strategies. The study believes that students as a subject is also an indispensable part of the higher education governance of physical education. Students' participation in the higher education governance of physical education meets the needs of students' development. The content of students' participation in the higher education governance of physical education needs to be bounded, and the participation mode of cooperation between university management and students should be carried out. The study believes that there should be institutional guarantee, definition of the scope of students' rights, and emphasis on the cultivation of students' participation capability in students' participation.


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Last Update: 2023-09-01