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Value connotation and practice path of the education on national conditions for international students in Chinese colleges and universities(PDF)


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Value connotation and practice path of the education on national conditions for international students in Chinese colleges and universities
(International Education School, Chang'an Univeristy, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China)
education for international students education on national conditions community with a shared future for mankind soft power of culture ideological and political education curriculum system
Conducting the education on national conditions for international students in Chinese colleges and universities is a crucial path for telling Chinese stories effectively, spreading China's voice, and cultivating international students who “know, befriend, and love China”. It is also an important means to cultivate the builders of a community with a shared future for mankind, the promoters of international exchanges, and international elites. To explore the value connotation of the education on national conditions for international students in China in a more profound way and improve the integration of theoretical research and practice path, this article explores the practice path of the education on national conditions for international students by demonstrating the curriculum content design of education on national conditions, such as cultural education, professional education, “world outlook, values, and outlook on life”, combined with the analysis of the context of the new era of education in China. The study believes that international students have the natural advantage of spreading Chinese values and concepts, and are an important force in promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. Education on national conditions is an effective way for international students to quickly integrate into China. Through education on national conditions, the organic combination of the popularization of the knowledge of China's national conditions and ideological and political education can be realized. It is necessary to explore the top-level design and long-term mechanism of education on national conditions, transform the teaching concept of “passive indoctrination” into “subtle influence”, integrate Chinese culture and Chinese spirit with the education on national conditions, design the teaching mode of education on national conditions with a discourse system of “rooted in China and integrating with the world” for the international students, optimize the teaching content of the education on national conditions, etc., so as to enhance the soft power of Chinese culture and improve China's influence in the international discourse system under the new pattern of international education.


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Last Update: 2023-09-01