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Analysis on data security rules in DEPA and its implication to China——based on comparison withCPTPP/USMCA/RCEP(PDF)


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Analysis on data security rules in DEPA and its implication to China——based on comparison withCPTPP/USMCA/RCEP
CHEN Huanqi LU Ruiying
(School of Economics and Trade, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,Guangzhou 510006, Guangdong, China)
digital trade rule regional trade agreement data security rule Digital Economy Partnership Agreement(DEPA) Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership(CPTPP) United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement(USMCA) Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP)
F744; F49
Establishing data security rules is an important concern for advancing global digital trade governance. After China has applied to join the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement(DEPA), it is necessary to analyze the rules of DEPA from the perspective of data security under the framework of RTAs. Therefore, the natural language recognition method is used to sort out the DEPA data security rule system. Focusing on the core data security issues including “free flow of cross-border data”, “unforced data storage localization” and “personal information protection”, text comparison based on the study on “specific rules” and “general rules” is used to analyze the convergence and divergence of commitment coverage and depth between DEPA and existing agreements including CPTTP, USMCA and RCEP. According to this research, the DEPA rules on “free flow of cross-border data” and “unforced data storage localization” are in the middle level in promoting the liberalization of data flow and preserving the space for autonomous regulation. The scope of DEPA's “personal information protection” is relatively broad, with special emphasis on the use of the “data protection trust mark”. China's application to join DEPA can promote China and DEPA to further determine and negotiate on issues such as data flow, promote the construction of China's international rules and improve the relevant regulations of domestic laws and rules, exert a positive effect on China's application to join the CPTPP and even on the negotiation of other RTAs, and can enhance China's international influence in digital trade governance.


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Last Update: 2022-05-20