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Equity and efficiency under the goal of common prosperity(PDF)


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Equity and efficiency under the goal of common prosperity
LAN Qingxin TONG Jiachen
(School of International Trade and Economics, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing 100029, China)
common prosperity equity and efficiency high-quality development digital economy digital resources digital industry scientific and technological innovation good life
Common prosperity is the inevitable requirement and the only way to build a modern and better socialist country. In order to further explore the path to achieve common prosperity, this paper analyzes the connotation and historical evolution of common prosperity, and studies the balance of equity and efficiency under the goal of common prosperity. It is found that common prosperity has a profound connotation of people-centered, sharing, mutual assistance and all-round development. The balance between equity and efficiency is the inherent requirement of common prosperity. The evolution of common prosperity has experienced a transition process from efficiency as priority to focus on equity. The key to promote the realization of common prosperity is to deal with the relationship between equity and efficiency, which will be affected by resource factors, industrial agglomeration, technological factors, social order industrial transfer, ecological environment and other factors. The research believes that, based on the accurate identification of the influencing factors, we should promote the effective development guided by the objective of equity, play the supplementary role of the third distribution, and solve the problem of income gap. In addition, we should actively promote the development, transformation and upgrading of industries with traditional advantages and address practical issues of concern to the people. We should leverage the openness and connectivity features of digital economy to better match supply and demand information in the value chain and smooth flow of factors and resources, so as to make people's lives more convenient. We should use scientific and technological innovation to raise the total factor productivity, ensure people's quality of life, and make substantive progress in promoting common prosperity.


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Last Update: 2022-03-01