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Logic, mechanism and path in the promotion of collective prosperity by digital economy (PDF)


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Logic, mechanism and path in the promotion of collective prosperity by digital economy
(China Center of Internet Economy Research, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing 100081, China)
digital economy collective prosperity Internet platform digital platform digital technology digital life rural revitalization
F49; F126
Driving the healthy development of China's digital economy and promoting collective prosperity in high-quality development are the two central issues in the new period and new stage. In order to study the logical relationship between digital economy and collective prosperity, this paper analyzes the connotation of the "four unities" of collective prosperity, the new characteristics and new trends of digital economy, and demonstrates the mechanism and path of digital economy boosting collective prosperity. The research results show that, through the innovation effect, spillover effect, synergy effect and universal benefit effect, digital economy provides a sharing mechanism for balanced development and promotes the whole society to share in the dividend of digital economy, among which innovation drive, industrial structure upgrading, ecological synergy and value co-creation are important mechanisms. To achieve collective prosperity, digital economy needs to further cultivate the Internet industry platform, strengthen, improve and expand the digital platforms, and promote the integration of industrial digitization and digital technology market into the rural and real economy. Digital platform enterprises need to undertake more public functions, continuously improve the digital ecological chain, develop new forms and models of business to provide conditions and guarantee for innovation and entrepreneurship, give full play to the "four effects" of digital economy in promoting collective prosperity, and enhance the people's sense of fulfilment and happiness.


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