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Academic development and technology-driven:an overview of the study on journalism and communication discipline in 2020(PDF)


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Academic development and technology-driven:an overview of the study on journalism and communication discipline in 2020
NAN Changsen ZHANG Na
(School of Journalism and Communication, Shaanxi Normal University,Xi'an 710119, Shaanxi, China)
Marxist view of journalism external communication media convergence media technology big data short video journalistic ethics journalism and communication education
In order to analyze the frontier issues in the theoretical research of the discipline of journalism and communication as well as the development trends in the media industry, and to drive the transformation, breakthrough, quality enhancement and upgrade of the discipline in the new era, this paper summarizes the development sequence and academic achievements in the discipline of journalism and communication in China in 2020 through research methods of literature review and comparative analysis, based on the combination of theory and practice as well as the integration of theoretical research in the academic world and new development in the industry. The study finds that the Marxist view of journalism in the new era pursues the dynamic integration of historical logic, theoretical logic, and realistic logic, making continuous progress towards systematization, innovation, and modernity. Secondly, since the outbreak of Covid-19, the media not only undertook its basic responsibilities within China, but also guided public opinion externally and made positive contributions to winning the anti-Covid-19 war. Thirdly, with the development of information technology, new technologies such as big data, cloud computing, block chain, and sensor etc. have been applied to the media field and adopted to construct digital scenarios and promote intelligent communication. Thus, media technology is reshaping the human society. Fourth, media integration, as a keyword in the top-level design of the national cultural system reform, has been incorporated into the policy program of China to drive the more profound media convergence into the state of "you are me, I am you". In this sense, the transformation task that traditional media faces is the reform practice that is closely knit with the backdrop of changes in new technology, policy, industry and culture. Fifth, with the rapid development of informatization, digitalization and intelligent technology, the public's demand for video consumption and productivity has further increased, and mobile videos have shown spurts of growth with short video and live video streaming continuing to occupy the hot spots in the new media development landscape of the Internet. Sixth, in terms of the ethical problems in the field of journalism and communication, we must be clear that the "people" is the subject of liability for ethics, and we must be responsible for the free and comprehensive development of people, and for the healthy and orderly operation of society. Lastly, the journalism and communication education should take the "double first-class initiative" development as an opportunity to cultivate national strategic talents with characteristics and focus in the era of media convergence based on the domestic conditions and oriented to the global vision, inspire the numerous scholars and industrial experts to summarize the ideological content and explore the development path, and promote the reform and sound progress of journalism and communication in the new era.


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Last Update: 2021-12-30