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Empirical analysis on industry followers' R&D imitation and corporate performance(PDF)


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Empirical analysis on industry followers' R&D imitation and corporate performance
LI Jun XIA Luyao LIU Zhidi
(Faculty of Economics and Management, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China)
R&D imitation corporate performance managerial ability uncertainty of external environment industry follower state-owned enterprise private enterprise
On account of the advantages and disadvantages of R&D imitation investment behaviors on the corporate performance, and based on the data of A-share listed companies in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets from 2008 to 2018, this paper discusses the influence of R&D imitation of industry followers on their own business performance. Meanwhile, it verifies the moderating role of managerial ability and the uncertainty of external environment in the relationship between them. The results show that: ①R&D imitation can dramatically improve the corporate performance of the follower, which is more significant among private enterprises and small-scale enterprises. ②The improved managerial ability strengthens the promotion effect of R&D imitation on corporate performance. This moderating effect is significant among both large and small-scale enterprises, but not in state-owned enterprises when the sample is divided by property rights. ③The environmental uncertainty weakens the promotion effect of R&D imitation on corporate performance. This moderating effect is significant among private enterprises and small-scale enterprises, but not in state-owned enterprises and large-scale enterprises. The government must realize the enterprises' rationality in choosing the R&D imitation strategy, and maintain the stability of the external environment by guiding the R&D direction of the industry leading enterprises and utilizing the macro control measures; enterprises should focus on improving independent decision-making abilities and managerial abilities in their R&D decision-making; and the imitating enterprises should choose the benchmarking enterprises with higher market competitiveness as role models, and formulate scientific and reasonable countermeasures to ensure the effect of R&D imitation.


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