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Issues in the comprehensive transportation system of China's central and western regions and corresponding optimization strategies(PDF)


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Issues in the comprehensive transportation system of China's central and western regions and corresponding optimization strategies
ZHOU Zhengxiang DAI Hongmei
(Institute of Transportation Economics, Changsha University of Science & Technology,Changsha 410015, Hunan, China)
country with strong transportation network central and western regions comprehensive transportation system regional economy regional coordinated development transportation economic location entropy "high-speed rail +"
F532.8; F542.8; F127
In view of the unbalanced and insufficient development of transportation in China's central and western regions, this paper summarizes the density of the railway network and expressway network in the eastern regions and central and western regions from 2010 to 2019 respectively, uses the location entropy method to analyze the evolution of the economic development space in those regions, and studies the degree of coordination of transportation and economic development in the central and western regions. The study has found that China's regional coordinated development strategy has achieved obvious results. However, there is a certain degree of imbalance in the development of the eastern regions and central and western regions in China, and there is also a certain degree of inadequate and insufficient economic development among the provinces and cities in the central and western regions. The inter-regional economic radiation and driving benefits need to be improved. The central and western regions should build a modern comprehensive transportation system supported by railways, use the "high-speed rail +" new business format to develop the high-speed rail economy, and promote the rational flow and efficient aggregation of various factors, forming a regional economic structure with complementary advantages and high-quality development. Furthermore, those regions should strengthen the transportation system in the western regions to make up for its shortcomings, promote the construction of extended corridors and hubs in the central region, take the initiative to undertake industrial transfers in the eastern regions, and optimize the business operation model and hub nodes of Sino-Europe and Central-Asian transportation, open up the microcirculation, establish a global delivery service system, build a new pattern of all-round opening-up and deep integration into the "Belt and Road" construction.


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Last Update: 2021-10-10