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Theory, logic and cultural communication paths of firmly building up the consciousness of Chinese national community(PDF)


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Theory, logic and cultural communication paths of firmly building up the consciousness of Chinese national community
ZHU Wei1 ZHOU Wenhao2
(1. School of Marxism, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710119, Shaanxi, China; 2. School of Journalism and Communication, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710119, Shaanxi, China)
consciousness of Chinese national community cultural identity cultural communication exchange and interaction new media core socialist value
D633; G206
Firmly building up the consciousness of Chinese national community is not only the inevitable requirement to realize the modernization of national governance in the new era, but also the theoretical guidance of the current national unity and progress education. Based on the comparative analysis of the existing literature, from the historical and realistic perspective, and combined with the cultural psychology and communication interaction of ethnic members, this paper analyzes the underlying impact of cultural identity. From the double dimensions of theoretical exploration and realistic context, this paper clarifies the scientific connotation and value orientation in firmly building up the consciousness of Chinese national community, and then explores the endogenous logic and interaction between the cultural identity and firmly building up the consciousness of Chinese national community. At the same time, this paper discusses in-depth the values and communication psychology of each member, so as to find out the realistic resistance to consolidate the consciousness of Chinese national community, while analyzing the cultural communication paths of constructing the Chinese national community. The research results show that, cultural identity and firmly building up the consciousness of Chinese national community have a symbiotic and dialectical interaction relationship. Based on the development thinking of "integration, empathy and remolding", they can stimulate the subjectivity of the cultural expressions of members of all ethnic groups from the three aspects of knowledge reconstruction, emotional integration and behavior consciousness, inspire the cultural interaction and innovative development among multiple ethnic groups, give play to the intermediary nature of media and technology in national cultural communication, and at the same time tolerate the diversity and uniqueness of the Chinese nation's culture, and realize the value rationality and instrumental rationality of cultural communication in firmly building up the consciousness of Chinese national community; through focusing on the top-level design, coordinating the intermediate forces, stimulating the interpersonal interaction among each member and the original creativity of national cultural communication, it can more effectively promote the further integration of the cognition and emotions of the Chinese national culture of all ethnic groups into the process of firmly building up the consciousness of Chinese national community.


[1] 习近平.决胜全面建成小康社会 夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利——在中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会上的报告[N].人民日报,2017-10-28(4).


Last Update: 2021-10-10