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Consolidating the guiding position of Marxismin the ideological field in the micro era(PDF)


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Consolidating the guiding position of Marxismin the ideological field in the micro era
ZHANG Xiaorong12
1. School of Marxism, Anhui University, Hefei 230039, Anhui, China; 2. School of Marxism,Anhui University of Chinese Medicine, Hefei 230012, Anhui, China
micro era Marxism ideology micro media modern technology new era socialist modernization historical materialism
With the continuous upgrading of mobile internet technology and the rapid development of mobile terminals represented by smart phones, micro communication has become a mainstream mode of communication, which propels the Chinese society into a micro era that advocates simplicity and micro things. Under the background of micro era, the development of micro media technology provides a good technical premise and a reliable material basis for expanding the spreading scope of Marxism and expanding the social impact of Marxism, while the further development of Marxism provides correct value guidance and strong spiritual support for the development of micro media technology and social practice. This research shows that consolidating the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field in the micro era is not only the inevitable logic of historical development, but also the objective requirement of realistic development. In the micro era, Marxism can be developed from three dimensions: upholding the global vision, attaching importance to human development and paying attention to technological changes, so as to continuously consolidate the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field. To hold a global vision is to look at problems from a broader field with an open and broad vision, be good at digesting and absorbing all the achievements of civilization created by human society, and to accelerate the transition from history to world history. To attach importance to human development is to emphasize the dominant position of human beings, respect human values and do things with the purpose of free and all-round development of human beings in mind. To pay attention to the changes in modern technology is to keep a close touch with the development and changes in modern technology, combine Marxism with the rapid development of micro media technology in the micro era, and constantly expand the cohesion and influence of Marxism by utilizing the advantages of micro communication.


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Last Update: 2021-03-10