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RCEP and trade policy uncertainties faced by China(PDF)


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RCEP and trade policy uncertainties faced by China
FENG Ling LIU Xiaoyi
School of Finance, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai 200433, China
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP) free trade trade policy uncertainty the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) value chain internal circulation intra-regional trade
F744; F125
In order to interpret the impact of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP)on China’s economy, this paper analyzes the content of RCEP and the trade scale, population, gross GDP and FDI net inflow of member countries, and compares the intraregional trade volume with the EU and the North American Free Trade Area(NAFTA). Studies suggest that the RCEP will reconstruct value chain division of labor relations in Asia, reduce trade barriers among member states, redefine the trade pattern in the Asia-Pacific region, expand the scale of trade in the Asia-Pacific zone and its international status, promote the free flow of goods, capital and personnel in Asia, promote the benign "internal circulation" in the Asia-Pacific economic circle, and contribute to the stability of international trade and the recovery of the world economy. RCEP will reduce the trade policy uncertainties faced by China’s economic development, help to deepen and coordinate China’s economic and trade relations with the peripheral economies, meet the demand of China’s enterprises and consumers, help China to develop healthy, sustainable and steady foreign trade and investment relations, give full play to China’s leading role in regional economic cooperation, lay the realistic and institutional foundation for more stable global economic relations featuring cooperation and mutual benefit, and provide new momentum for China’s economic development and trade growth.


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Last Update: 2021-02-20