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Concept and implementation path of green transportation in Shaanxi under the “Catching up and Surpassing”


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Concept and implementation path of green transportation in Shaanxi under the “Catching up and Surpassing”
 YANG Qi1 YU Huan2 QIN Xuanlong1 BAI Libiao1
 (1.School of Economics and Management, Chang’an University,Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi,China;2.School of Economics and Management, Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University,Xi’an 710061, Shaanxi,China)
Catching up and Surpassing green transportation development conceptinfrastructure transportation structure 
"Catching up and Surpassing" is General Secretary XI Jinping’s scientific positioning and precise grasp of the development of Shaanxi. It is the action program for promoting the sustainable and healthy development of Shaanxi’s economy and society under the new normal. Green transportation is one of the important goal which must be achieved to catch up and surpass. The implementation of the concept of green transportation and the choice of implementation path under "Catching up and Surpassing" have become the urgent problems in Shaanxi. Based on the review of "Catching up and Surpassing" and green transportation, this article combs the theoretical connotation of the two and the basic principles and constituent elements of green transportation. Secondly, the basic status of green transportation in Shaanxi is analyzed from the aspects of policies, regulations, infrastructure, transportation structure, intelligent transportation, etc. It summarizes the problems in the development of green transportation in Shaanxi, and proposes five implementation paths for Shaanxi to implement the concept of green transportation under "Catching up and Surpassing", which provides a basis for the development of green transportation in Shaanxi. This paper holds that the realization of green transportation should follow the principles of sustainable development, peopleoriented and integration. The problems such as the aggravation of the contradiction between transportation planning and land use, the uncoordinated proportion of transportation structure, the diversification of residents’ travel modes, and the low public participation are existed in the development of green transportation in Shaanxi. Shaanxi can implement the green transportation concept from five aspects: optimize transportation layout and use land resources rationally, transform the development mode and adjust the transportation structure, strengthen technological innovation and lead the green concept, build a synergy mechanism and ensure the development of transportation, expand education and publicity to stimulate the public enthusiasm for participation, so as to realize "Catching up and Surpassing".


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Last Update: 2020-05-25