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Discussion on the compilation of PreQin history books by historians of the Southern Song dynasty(PDF)


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Discussion on the compilation of PreQin history books by historians of the Southern Song dynasty
School of History and Civilization, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an710119, Shaanxi,China
the Southern Song DynastyHistorial Records Ancient History HUANG Zhen Spring and Autumn
In order to study the gains and losses of historians of Southern Song dynasty in the compilation of the PreQin history books, the method of literature analysis was used to analyze the historian of Southern Song dynasty HUANG Zhen and his compilation HUANG’s Daily Notes. The contents of the HUANG’s Daily Notes are more concentrated on the discussion of exploring the compilation of preQin in Historical Records. And there are more chapters on the textural criticism of Spring and Autumn Annals, in which the comprehension of history compilation is also involved. Therefore, criticisms on the positive and negative thoughts of Spring and Autumn Annals and “Fan Li Shuo” have the certain representativeness. In addition, there are also comments about the gains and losses of compilation of books such as Ji Zhong Zhou Shu, Zuozhuan, Guo Yu and Memorabilia. HUANG’s Daily Notes praises the collection and style settings of PreQin history in Historical Records and conducts a special comparative study of the Ancient History written by the Northern Song dynasty historian SU Zhe and Historical Records, the experiences and lessons on the compilation of PreQin history of Southern Song dynasty are summarized through the pros and cons of the compilation of these two books, and it gives the comments on the strengths of the Ancient History and criticisms on the “positive and negative thoughts” of Spring and Autumn Annals and “Fan Li Shuo”. This kind of exploration of the thinking and practice of the historical compilation of Song dynasty as well as the historians’ timely understanding and evaluation of this area from the perspective of comparison is conducive to future generations to understand the comprehension of ancient history of historians in different periods and the history thoughts of the people in Song Dynasty about the compilation of PreQin history.



Last Update: 2018-03-06